Embark on the Road to Justice with Our Seasoned Oregon Personal Injury Firm

Buses and motorcoach are generally regarded as safe, yet when accidents occur, the consequences can be severe due to the size and passenger capacity of these vehicles. With over 50 years of defending insurance companies in bus accident cases, our Oregon law firm brings an unparalleled understanding of the intricate processes governing insurance settlements.

Why Choose Our Oregon Personal Injury Firm for Bus Accidents?

Defending Insurance Companies for 50 Years

The first rule of a successful negotiation is: Know Your Opponent. In an injury case, your opponents are (1) the insurance industry, and (2) their highly skilled defense law firms.

Fortunately for Spooner Staggs clients, no law firm knows the insurance industry better than we do―we spent 50 years as one of the insurance industry’s top defense firms for their biggest, toughest cases. We’ve walked in their shoes, analyzed thousands of cases for them, and encouraged fair outcomes for hundreds of bus-related accidents and injuries.

This rare experience has given us an insider’s knowledge and understanding into how the insurance industry analyzes, evaluates, prices, and settles cases. We’ve walked in their shoes, so we know all their tools, tricks, and techniques. We know the buttons to push and the levers to pull to motivate them to settle cases more quickly and for more money.

With an unparalleled understanding of insurance companies cultivated through years of defending them, we bring a uniquely powerful advantage to those seeking justice after a bus crash.

Fierce Bus-Crash Trial Lawyers

Boasting a track record of successful jury trials that few Oregon firms can equal, we are relentless advocates for our clients. We are always ready to take cases to trial, ensuring that our seriously injured clients receive genuine justice.

Insider Knowledge

Understanding the mindset of insurance companies is crucial when seeking fair compensation. We possess a nuanced insight into how insurers operate, evaluate cases, and make settlement decisions. This knowledge allows us to strategically leverage that insight to ensure our clients receive the maximum settlement for their bus-crash injuries.

Trial Mastery

In an era where fewer cases proceed to trial, we stand as fierce and effective trial lawyers. With a track record of successful jury trials that few law firms in Oregon can equal, we’re ready to expertly take your bus-crash case to trial if necessary. Our commitment to real justice for injured bus-accident victims sets us apart from “paper tiger” lawyers who shy away from the courtroom.

Understanding Bus Accidents in Oregon

Fortunately, bus wrecks are relatively infrequent, but their potential for serious consequences cannot be underestimated. Causes range from driver errors and adverse weather conditions to mechanical issues and the actions of other drivers on the road. Thorough investigations are vital to establishing liability, often involving multiple parties such as bus drivers, maintenance contractors, and entities operating different types of buses.

Common Causes of Bus Accidents

  • Driver Error (Distracted Driving, Speeding, Fatigue)
  • Adverse Weather Conditions (Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail, Ice, Storms)
  • Mechanical Issues (Brake, Tire, or Shocks Problems)
  • Other Drivers (Reckless Driving, Distracted Driving, Failure to Yield)
  • Rollover Accidents

Navigating Liability

Determining liability is crucial for seeking compensation after a bus accident. Our firm, with its extensive experience, is dedicated to assessing the complexity of these cases and pursuing personal injury claims against all of the responsible parties. Whether the bus is operated by a school district, private company, or government agency, we know how to handle the legal intricacies.

Pursuing Compensation for Bus Accident Injuries

If you’ve suffered injuries in a bus wreck, don’t navigate the legal road alone. Call us to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys. We’re here to use our inside knowledge to help you secure the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.